English issue No.2 introduce my wife

Dear Friends

Hi there. How are you doing? Here is Kumamoto city getting warmer day by day. Last day the temperature over the 30 degrees celsius (91.4 degrees Fahrenheit). I feel like summer.

OK, talk about my wife.

 Anyway , as I wrote about myself last time, I’ll tell you about my wife this time.

My wife is working with me right now, that is to say she is farmer. She used to be nurse. She had been nurse 18 years. It was just an accident that we met. 6 years ago, I got accident. I was injured when I cut the tree in field. So I carried to the Hospital by ambulance. Such and such , we met. we went to lunch and dinner and … Finally we married 4 years ago.

Well , I’d like to stop now. This year we was on local TV show. This is it.